The #1 need my clients have is growth.  

They need to either:

  • Establish real profitable growth OR

  • Accelerate their current rate of growth in a scalable manner that is sustainable in the long term and most importantly, profitable.  

My Philosophy

My consulting philosophy is that there are no blue prints or templates when it comes to business needs.  This is very different from other consultants who try to spin the same handful of solutions or work templates to many different clients.  Instead, I will listen and fully engage with my clients, create specific solutions to their business and do it with urgency, care, and an ownership mentality.  

The above approach has given me a proven track record of achieving solid growth as well as executing key initiatives that move my client businesses forward. This comes with the appreciation that each client is unique.  Each client requires an approach that will fit their unique size and context of their individual business.  

Given my rich experience see below a list of the general areas that I work with clients in.   Again, I often work as an interim Head of Digital, CDO, CMO, or SVP of Growth as we work together to build and achieve your business growth strategy.  My engagements tend to overlap across many disciplines and areas in order to accelerate growth.  As we all know, often success depends on connecting the dots and uncovering the latent synergies between areas, as the sum of the whole is greater than its parts.   Too often businesses that have stalled DTC, don't link each of these areas together strong enough.  

My initial engagement fees start at $5,000*.   ROI is immediate.     Contact me today.  

My engagements typically overlap two or more of these areas as we focus on ecommerce and digital needs.

My engagements typically overlap two or more of these areas as we focus on ecommerce and digital needs.


Digital Strategy & Prioritization

The digital landscape is changing so fast that many businesses don’t know where to start.  Or, worst, they’ve plowed full steam ahead on multiple initiatives and are now questioning if they are measuring the results correctly or if they chose the right things to focus on.  

I have had many clients that come to me feeling like they are in triage; constantly firefighting and moving to the next issue.  Or, I have clients that have so many initiatives in place, that as growth has slowed, they are uncertain where to look first in order to turn it around.  

When I work with each of my clients, I ensure they are focused on and addressing the right programs with appropriate priority that match their capabilities and market opportunities.  This saves invaluable time and avoids misdirecting finite resources.   In our prioritization together, we will connect your unique selling proposition to the below areas, ensuring that each works in tandem to achieve synergies towards real growth.  

Marketing & Online Performance Marketing

Digital marketing spend is increasing every year, overtaking traditional media and for good reason.  It works.  

I work deeply with each of my clients to evaluate online marketing budgets, spend efficiency and channel development.  I will ensure that each channel is optimized and I'll develop programs that balance both acquisition and retentive marketing needs.  I will be your brand advocate.  When I review your online marketing needs.  In most cases, I will strongly advise against discount sales or markdown strategies.  I will look to programs that establish you in the marketplace and in the mind of your target audience.    My approach will address the overall needs of the business and will establish metrics that are specific to the channel.  By increasing ad efficiencies and determining best allocation of budget, I quickly save my clients $, while also finding the channels that best create growth.

Brand & Customer Development

The purpose of a business is to get and keep customers.  To do this, you need to differentiate in the marketplace.  It is no surprise that Amazon took 43% of all online orders in 2016 and 44% in 2017. Skip ahead and in 2019 they’re nearly half of all sales online in the U.S.  Let that sink in for a moment.  This was a sea change.  It means one thing to your online strategy; and it is this:  you will need to be distinctive in the minds of consumers.  You will need to be a strong brand that strongly connects to people. At every touchpoint, at every interaction, your brand voice will need to speak to consumers.  Here, I evaluate and co-develop my clients branding along with their ability to resonate with customers.   This is a key connector to empowering your current marketing and digital channel spends, along with your social identity.    

Site Development & UX

In my network, I have launched and/or ran dozens of ecommerce websites on multiple platforms ranging from Magento to Shopify to Demandware.  The lessons are plentiful.  I have worked with multiple roles including agencies, developers, engineers, graphic designers, marketers, etcetera.  I know how to speak the language of building, launching and improving websites.  

I’ve been involved intimately on all stages of development, including: pre-web conceptualizing, RFPs, mock-up design, information architecture, UX, UAT, planning soft and hard launches along with executing post launch iterations and redesigns.   In all cases, websites need to be both easy to use, but also need to resonate with a very specific audience group or target.  Get this wrong and no marketing will overcome a flat website with little story telling whose form and function negatively impacts a user or new visitor.  Your online presentation is another key connector to both your brand/customer development and making your marketing efforts achieve ROI.  

New Technology Initiatives

I have worked with literally 100s of technical specialists in the past two decades.  I know how to join business needs with web technologies.  At times this includes needing new processes in-house, mentoring current staff and/or finding new vendor solutions.   This includes vendor discoveries, selection and negotiations.  

Once chosen, I help clients develop the tools and utilize chosen web technologies so they will have a real, positive impact on their top and bottom lines.  This includes developing and using tools that are appropriate for your size business and integrating them with existing tactics and team members.   This is another area where I have immediately saved my clients $ and achieve growth.  In a world that is increasingly using technology to get an edge, your business now has to understand and use new technologies to compete.  

Campaign Development & Performance Marketing

All campaigns need to be aligned and specific to business goals.  You must ask from the beginning, what are we trying to achieve and what behavior are we trying to motivate with our customers?  This includes developing campaigns so that each have critical success metrics associated with them.  This allows my clients to clearly determine if their campaigns are effective or not.  There's an old adage that as marketers we know that 50% of our advertising is completely wasted, we just don't know which half.  Surprisingly, in a digital age, where plenty of measurements are available, this continues to be the case.   I make sure my clients are confident in their online campaign and advertising efforts.   In my experience, I have worked with several ad agencies, marketing groups, branding firms and PR groups.    The lessons are plenty.  As a result your budget will be the right size, driving the right results, and attracting/retaining the right customers.

Social Media

It’s no secret that social media can quickly turn into a rabbit hole for many online businesses who aren’t prepared to supply social content or rush into advertising on social media platforms without the proper way to measure it.  I have had a hand in spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on many of the social media platforms.  This has given me a unique perspective on knowing what really drives results and what becomes a distraction.  Here, I help clients separate the hype from what really works.   This includes social media content strategy, influencer programs and social media advertising.   I can achieve amazing results with budgets of all size, from small to large.  The key is connecting your social media strongly with each of the above areas.    

Content Strategy

I still profess that product is king.  But, if there is a queen, it certainly is now content.  Increasingly consumers are demanding more meaningful content, more of it and want it to drive the way they experience your brand online.  I will not only steer you in the right direction, but I will co-develop and purpose your content to align with business goals.  This will be critical in developing your brand and marketing programs that drive results.  By having a clear content strategy, you can communicate, connect and do so at scale.  

The Purpose of Business it to Create and Keep a Customer
— Peter Drucker - Father of Modern Mgmt.

* Given my current level of client engagements and overall demand for new engagements, I prefer to accept and work with clients who are looking for long-term solutions and demand scalable solutions that achieve long-term success in the marketplace.   If you are a new client please read the new client section.    

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I have worked with dozens of retail businesses spanning multiple industries.  These have ranged from new concepts seeking initial funding, start-ups with less than $1m in revenue to large retailers with $75m+. 


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Because I'm very selective and only accept a handful of clients at a time, when I do accept engagements, I do so with a vigor, focus and excitement that will achieve strong and immediate results.  I am committed to my clients and committed for their success.  I work on real, long term, achievable solutions.   

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